Chomp Chomp

Words & Lyrics by Phillip Gross

Copyright 2019 Phillip Gross

Theme: A Shared (or not so shared) Feast. Anecdotal commentary about the animals munching, being full or not leaving any for the other animals is encouraged. Playfulness between each verse is encouraged.

Verse 1

[Hand Movement: Extend Arms out over one another and make the motion of an alligator’s mouth chomping…]

Chomp chomp chomp goes the alligator 

Chomp chomp chomp goes the alligator 

Chomp chomp chomp goes the alligator 

And crawls away really slow

Verse 2

[Hand Movement: Curl palms over one another slighting interlocking fingers, pretending fingers are teeth/mouth indicating biting]

Bite Bite Bite Goes the Shark

Bite Bite Bite Goes the Shark

Bite Bite Bite Goes the Shark

And swims away so slow

Verse 3

[Hand Movement: Curl fingers in toward palms - bent knuckles over one another as if creating a toothless “munching” motion]

Munch Munch Munch goes the caterpillar

Munch Munch Munch goes the caterpillar

Munch Munch Munch goes the caterpillar

And he looks really full (oh) 

Verse 4

[Hand Movement: Place arms high above head palms pressed together and “wobble” your arms/body side-to-side]

Wiggle wobble wiggle wobble Wiggle wobble goes the giraffe

Wiggle wobble wiggle wobble goes the giraffe

Wiggle wobble wiggle wobble goes the giraffe

And he wobbles away…. (so slow)

Verse 5

[Hand Movement: Place arms extended out side-to-side and slowly flap like a bird] A Flippity-flap a Flippity-flap a Flippity-flap goes the birdie!

A Flippity-flap a Flippity-flap a Flippity-flap goes the birdie!

A Flippity-flap a Flippity-flap a Flippity-flap goes the birdie! 

And He flies so low

… Oh my he’s so full!

Verse 6

[Hand Movement: With each stop, Alternate placing your hands on the ground like footsteps. At Trumpet place your arm in front of your mouth pretending you have an Elephant’s trunk. GIve it your very best trumpet]

Stomp stomp stomp comes the elephant

Stomp stomp stomp comes the elephant

Stomp stomp stomp comes the elephant

(Elephant Trumpet)

Where’s my dinner?!

Optional verses to add between verse 3 & verse 4

[Movement: Pretend you are chewing like a cow through chew, chew, chew. Let out your best moo at the end.]

Chew chew chew goes the cow

Chew chew chew goes the cow

Chew chew chew goes the cow

And She mooooos really slow

[Movement: Pretend you are fluttering like a butterfly]

A flitter flutter a flitter flutter Goes the Butterfly

A flitter flutter a flitter flutter Goes the Butterfly

A flitter flutter a flitter flutter Goes the Butterfly

And he flaps and flutters so low

Creative Commons License
Chomp Chomp by Phillip Gross is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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